Waiting for a response from a friend on WhatsApp or a response to your text messages?

The anxiety feels like it’s building and building isn’t it?

Maybe you feel anxious waiting for a response from a love interest or someone you’re dating.

Anxiety just went up…

If you have been waiting…

I know how stressful and overwhelming the feeling can be.

You can start thinking so many different things and it can chip away at your self-esteem.

So how do you stop feeling like this?


Luckily, there are some things you can do.

And I’m going to share with you some ways on how to overcome these feelings.

One of the things you can do when you’re waiting for a response is to turn off the read receipts.

And once you’ve responded to their message or sent an initial message, tell yourself that this person will respond in their own time. That is, when they can or if they choose to.

You don’t owe each other anything. You don’t owe someone a response. They don’t owe you a response either.

We don’t control someone else’s time, and this means they are free to choose to respond or to also choose not to respond.

Sometimes it feels rude, sometimes it means you’ve been left on “read”.

If you’ve also been having a conversation and they just stopped talking to you, unfortunately it means you have been ghosted.

Being ghosted?

What does ghosting mean?

Ghosting means suddenly withdrawing yourself from a conversation without explaining. It’s like seeing something and now you don’t.

Sometimes you may hear from them again or never again. It can be used as an abuse tactic, form of power or because someone has a hard time explaining themselves and would like to avoid a possible confrontation.

Ghosting can happen and it can happen to someone even with the best intentions.

But it doesn’t mean you have no worth because someone doesn’t respond to your messages.

It doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a response! It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person.

It just means you’re not their person.

They are not your person and that’s OK.

When it comes to responses from text messages…


WhatsApp or any other social medium channel used releasing expectations on others is important because it can overwhelm us and cross over sometimes in other areas of our lives.

Taking the pressure off associations that we might have with the things people do or say or feel about us can empower us.

What matters is you focus on your self-care and self-love.

The next thing you can do…

As soon as you send the response and you’re waiting for a reply…

Try to distract yourself with something you enjoy…

This should be something else that you can immerse yourself in that makes you happy…

Maybe running or a short run…

If you’re shopping is still due on your list of things for that day maybe going to the supermarket might be a positive distraction…

Maybe making yourself a cup of some nice tea…

Doing something nice for yourself…

Calling your friend that you’ve been meaning to call for the last week now…

Reading an article or a book. Perhaps a chapter of a book…

OR going out to meet a friend for a local quick coffee…

What about that loved one who maybe you haven’t connected with in a long time?

OR who you were supposed to get in touch with maybe a few days ago and they’re still waiting, and they’ve been left on “read”.

Your love interest, friend or the person you’re dating have their own time.

And you have your own time.

So, take your time [Space…Pace…Grace], nothing good comes from hurrying…

Use the moments you don’t have a response, your time to focus on your life.

And allow them to respond when and if they choose to respond.

We can only control certain things.

We can’t control what someone else does or doesn’t do.

But you can control you.

And the final thing you can do to relieve any nerves you have while waiting for a response from someone is journal your feelings.



Journal what’s going through your mind at the time…

Why are you feeling so overwhelmed and what it means for you if you don’t hear from this person?

And why you are concerned with how they see you?

Don’t you think how you see yourself is the more important question?

Are you struggling with self-doubt?

Do you want to improve your confidence?

Get in touch today by calling 07933  677 844 and let’s see how I can help you.

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